Hi Nick-
We currently support trajectories with a vertical dimension of
Altitude, but it looks like yours is pressure. Do you have
an Altitude variable in your file?
You also need to select the Data Source Type in the chooser
as a Track File instead of using the default (I'm Feeling Lucky).
For .nc files, the default tries to open it as a grid.
Don Murray
Nick Bower wrote:
Hello. Can someone update me on the state of trajectory support in IDV?
I'm trying to load the following netcdf but complains it isn't
recognised as a grid (ok granted it has uppercase Latitude/Longitude,
and no :cdm_datatype as UODC suggests, but then neither does your sample
either at
netcdf WNISE.Clare.op..2006.Std.v1_2 {
records = UNLIMITED ; // (66 currently)
timedim = 2 ;
int Time(records, timedim) ;
Time:long_name = "Time" ;
Time:description = "For each record, the first element in
the ti
medim dimension is YYYYMMDD in decimal, where YYYY is the four-digit
year, MM th
e two digit-month, and DD the two digit day. The second element in the
timedim d
imension is the number of milliseconds past midnight." ;
Time:timezone = 0. ;
float Latitude(records) ;
Latitude:long_name = "Latitude" ;
Latitude:units = "degrees_N" ;
Latitude:_FillValue = -8888.f ;
Latitude:missing_value = -8888.f ;
Latitude:quality_group = 0 ;
float Longitude(records) ;
Longitude:long_name = "Longitude" ;
Longitude:units = "degrees_E" ;
Longitude:_FillValue = -8888.f ;
Longitude:missing_value = -8888.f ;
Longitude:quality_group = 1 ;
float CentralPressure(records) ;
CentralPressure:long_name = "Central Pressure" ;
CentralPressure:description = "Minimum value of the mean
sea lev
el atmospheric pressure, measured or estimated, at the centre of a
tropical low
or tropical cyclone." ;
CentralPressure:units = "hPa" ;
CentralPressure:_FillValue = -8888.f ;
CentralPressure:missing_value = -8888.f ;
CentralPressure:quality_group = 2 ;
float MaxWindSpd(records) ;
MaxWindSpd:long_name = "Maximum Wind Speed" ;
MaxWindSpd:units = "m s-1" ;
MaxWindSpd:averaging_period = 600. ;
MaxWindSpd:_FillValue = -8888.f ;
MaxWindSpd:missing_value = -8888.f ;
MaxWindSpd:quality_group = 3 ;
float RadiusMaxWind(records) ;
RadiusMaxWind:long_name = "Radius to Maximum Winds" ;
Don Murray UCAR Unidata Program
dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx P.O. Box 3000
(303) 497-8628 Boulder, CO 80307