When describing the <property> tag in Section 7.1.1 of the User's
Guide, it states: "There are also a set of predefined properties that
can be used."
1) Where does one find this list of name/value pairs for all
predefined properties?
2) In this set of predefined properties, which ones correspond to
which display types?
3) If some predefined properties only make sense to use in specialized
cirumstances, what are these specialized circumstances? (For example,
it only make sense to use contourInfoParams if a contour plot is drawn.)
Sorry, my bad with the documentation. There are really 2 uses of the
property tag. First, is to define a general property
as described in:
This has nothing to do with the use of the property tag contained within
the display tag. Those properties
are for setting state within a display.
<begin geeky programmer mode>
The display properties can be anything that one of the Java display
classes has a public set method for.
<end geeky programmer mode>
We will try to put together a list of useful properties that can be
set. In the meantime it would be helpful to find out
what you would like to have access to. If nothing comes to mind right
away as you are using the IDV/ISL and you
come across things you need to set please communicate them to us.