Hi Bob...
There might be some error condition ("an Exception") that happens.
If you open a command prompt window and 'cd' to the IDV directory and
start it from there using the runIDV.bat file, if an error occurs,
you'll get a trace displayed in the commad prompt window which you can
then copy-n-paste into an email to help diagnose the problem.
There may be other, unrelated issues, but this will help narrow the
Stay in touch,
On 2/26/07, bobwxman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <bobwxman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,
I`m running the latest IDV version on a windows XP desktop. I`ve noticed
every now and then for some unknown reason the GUI will freeze up and I`m
left with no choice but to ctrl/alt/dlt.
Now I thought this might be a ram issue, but the IDV had only just been
started up and the ram usage was way below the limits. Often I could be just
starting to create a bundle. Kind of frustrating, any work I`ve created
cannot be saved.
Now, I`ve just installed IDV on a powerful windows 2003 server, with 2gb ram
and a 3ghz dual core cpu. I`m accessing the box via windows RDC. A fresh
install of IDV on this server tonight and within a few minutes of playing
around, it froze up completely.
I`m sorry I cannot be more specific, because it happens at various times.
Kind of hard to keep a log of these crashes. Trying to shut IDV down when it
`locks up` results in my desktop making beep noises whenever I click on a
GUI button or shutdown.
Odd, because I can be creating displays for a good hour, then another time I
can start up IDV and will give me these problems.
I`ve updated from Sun Java the latest version for windows, other than that I
don`t know what else to do.
Anyone else on a windows box having these problems?
Kind regards,
Tom Whittaker
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Space Science & Engineering Center (SSEC)
Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS)
1225 W. Dayton Street
Madison, WI 53706 USA
ph: +1 608 262 2759