Re: flow vectors from regular u and v arrays

Don Murray wrote:

There is no direct ASCII grid reader in the IDV, but it is
on our list of things to do.  The big problem is deciding on
a format.  The underlying VisAD library has a method for reading
ASCII grids and we are looking at using that as well as a
netCDF-Java IOSP.

There are a couple of options:

- use the VisAD text reader and then try to display the
resulting data structure using the Any Field formula and
selecting a flow display.

- use the GEON-IDV ASCII->netCDF converter described at:

Stu Wier might want to chime in on this since he's the one
who developed it.

Glad to help if asked. This may need a little tweaking but it has been used quite a bit to make NetCDF files of gridded data from ASCII files.

Stuart Wier

UNAVCO  6350 Nautilus Drive  Boulder, CO 80301  (303) 381-7500 x 450


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