Re: Windowless movie capture

Patrick Webb wrote:
I am trying to capture video while working through a remote terminal. Though the manuals don't really mention it, I remember this being mentioned at a workshop I attended last year, that it is possible to trick the IDV into capturing movies without actually sitting at the terminal that the IDV is running at. I don't remember what the IDV needs to carry out video capture. Does forwarding X11 data to the remote terminal work?

You can run the IDV in offscreen mode and capture an animation sequence using the isl scripting language:

The requirement is either you run on MS Windows, run with an active X Server or run under a virtual
frame buffer (xvfb).

Not sure about the forwarding of X11 data. If you are interactively running under X with an xhost pointing to a different machine it should just work since the image and movie capture is just an image grab of the screen area.


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