Re: Can IDV read projected coordinates in some fashion?

  • To: Rich Signell <rsignell@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Can IDV read projected coordinates in some fashion?
  • From: Stuart Wier <wier@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 15:53:03 -0600

See "NetCDF Data for the GEON 

and the section

"Sample File for a X-Y-X Grid mapped to Latitude-Longitude

Some data is on regular x-y-z grids (in kilometers for example) with a known mapping onto latitude and longitude. NetCDF provides a way to include all this information. It is pretty tricky, so check this"

Rich Signell wrote:
IDV folk,

I thought I saw an example somewhere of IDV working with a netcdf file
that did not have lon and lat variables, but just projected
coordinates and projection information.  Is this true, or is it just
my bad memory?


Stuart Wier

UNAVCO  6350 Nautilus Drive  Boulder, CO 80301  (303) 381-7500 x 450


GEON IDV         
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