I am using the idv jar for new application development. I have some contour filled bathy data set up, using the
Contour2DDisplayable class.
I want to add a legend, so that the user can tell the depth from the color table I installed. In trying to use the ColorScale
class, I never see a scale/legend appear in my jframe. I have no idea what to try next. Attached is the code (it will not
compile but should give a hint as to my intentions)
Any help appreciated
Stuart Maclean
package gliderconsortium.glmpc.console.tools.basemaps.idv;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import gliderconsortium.glmpc.console.server.visad.data.dbdbv.YXZAdapter;
import gliderconsortium.glmpc.console.server.visad.data.geodas.XYZAdapter;
import ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect;
import ucar.unidata.geoloc.projection.Mercator;
import ucar.unidata.ui.colortable.ColorTableDefaults;
import ucar.unidata.util.ColorTable;
import ucar.unidata.view.geoloc.MapProjectionDisplay;
import ucar.unidata.view.geoloc.MapProjectionDisplayJ2D;
import ucar.unidata.view.geoloc.MapProjectionDisplayJ3D;
import ucar.visad.display.ColorScale;
import ucar.visad.display.Contour2DDisplayable;
import ucar.visad.display.ContourLevels;
import ucar.visad.display.RegularContourLevels;
import visad.FlatField;
public class First {
// standalone test mode...
static public void main( String[] args ) throws Exception {
FlatField ff = null;
if( true && false) {
String s =
float missingValue = 999999.0f;
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(s);
XYZAdapter xyz = new XYZAdapter( fis, missingValue );
ff = xyz.getData();
} else {
String s =
float missingValue = -10f;
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(s);
YXZAdapter yxz = new YXZAdapter( fis, missingValue );
ff = yxz.getData();
Contour2DDisplayable cdd = new Contour2DDisplayable( "bathy" );
cdd.loadData( ff );
ContourLevels cl = new RegularContourLevels( 500, 0, 0, 6000 );
cdd.setContourLevels( cl );
float[] red = { 1, 0, 0 };
float[] green = { 0, 1, 0 };
float[] blue = { 0, 0, 1 };
float[][] colorTable = ColorTableDefaults.topographyCT( );
float[][] cyans = {
{ 0xcc, 0x99, 0x66, 0x33, 0 },
{ 0xff, 0xcc, 0x99, 0x66, 0x33 },
{ 0xff, 0xcc, 0x99, 0x66, 0x33 } };
int len = cyans[0].length;
for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++) {
for (int m = 0; m < len; m++) {
cyans[n][m] = cyans[n][m] / 256.0f;
cdd.setColorFill( true );
// cdd.setColorPalette( colorTable );//new
float[][] { red, green, blue } );
cdd.setColorPalette( cyans );//new float[][] { red, green, blue
} );
Mercator m = new Mercator( 40, -105, 0 );
double ox = -6220;
double oy = -2800;
ProjectionRect pr = new ProjectionRect( ox, oy, ox + 512, oy +
512 );
m.setDefaultMapArea( pr );
MapProjectionDisplay mpd = null;
if( true ) {
int mode = MapProjectionDisplay.MODE_2Din3D;
mpd = new MapProjectionDisplayJ3D(m,mode );
} else {
mpd = new MapProjectionDisplayJ2D( m );
mpd.setBoxVisible( true );
mpd.addDisplayable( cdd );
float cx = ColorScale.getX( ColorScale.HORIZONTAL_ORIENT,
ColorScale.TOP );
float cy = ColorScale.getY( ColorScale.HORIZONTAL_ORIENT,
ColorScale.TOP );
System.out.println( cx + " " + cy );
ColorScale cs = new ColorScale( "",
cx, cy, cyans );
mpd.addDisplayable( cs );
cs.setRangeForColor( 0, 5000 );
cs.setVisible( true );
JFrame jf = new JFrame("");
Container cp = jf.getContentPane();
cp.add( mpd.getComponent() );
jf.setVisible( true );
// eof