Re: [idvdevelopers] converting units

Hi Stuart-

Use the TextDisplayable.setDisplayUnit(Unit) method.  You can use
ucar.visad.Util.parseUnit("Celsius") to create the unit.  Just
remember that "C" is Coulomb. ;-)


Stuart Maclean wrote:
I am am reading a netcdf model grid into a GeoGrid, and then on via a GeoGridAdapter into a IDV Displayable object. My data is t,y,x -> temperature, where the raw values are in Kelvin.

I am using IDV's TextDisplayable to do an IDV like 'Value Plot'. I would like to display some other unit, i.e Celsius, for the text values.

I suspect there is a very simple way to do this, I just cannot find it in the javadocs ;)

A brute force way would be to construct a new FlatField, populate its domain with that from the original, build a new realType for tempCelsius and scale over from the original tempKelvin, and use the second FlatField for the TextDisplayable...

Any help appreciated

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