[idvdevelopers] Contour custom coloring

I am new to visad objects and i am trying to customize the contour coloring. 
The ranges are irregular and parsed from an xml configuration file. The first 
and last 7-8 ranges have got no data. When i use the following commands, the 
coloring extended to all the ranges.  There  must be something i miss. Thanks  
in advance.

//Create the maps
tempIsoMap = new ScalarMap( temperature,  Display.IsoContour );
tempRGBMap = new ScalarMap( temperature,  Display.RGB ); 

//Add maps to the display
display.addMap( tempIsoMap );
display.addMap( tempRGBMap );

ContourControl isoControl = (ContourControl) tempIsoMap.getControl(); //iso 
ColorControl rgbControl = (ColorControl) tempRGBMap.getControl();

double[][] range = ...; //parsed from xml file
float[] levels = new float[range.length];
Color[] cs = ...;//parsed from xml file
for (int i = 0; i < range.length; i++) {
     levels[i] = (float) range[range.length - i - 1][0];
float[][] myColorTable = new float[3][cs.length];
for (int i = 0; i < cs.length; i++) {
    float[] rgbs = new float[3];
    rgbs = cs[cs.length - i - 1].getRGBColorComponents(rgbs);
    myColorTable[0][i] = rgbs[0];
    myColorTable[1][i] = rgbs[1];
    myColorTable[2][i] = rgbs[2];
isoControl.setLevels(levels, 0, true);



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