Wow. Thank you Don.
Could you please send me the link where I can download the nightly build.
And what is the procedure of opening this file: have u change the file or
variable name ?
Or just open it.
The previous header dump, I send you extracted from a file of size 170 MB.
This one is only 17.8 MB.
You sendit does not allow a file size more than 100 MB. Do u know any other
way I can send you the file ?
On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 4:47 PM, Don Murray <dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>wrote:
> Hi Maswood-
> Maswood Hasan Mostafi wrote:
>> I've uploaded a sample file in and sending you the link
>> here.You can download it from the link.
>> This is the file
>> Let me know whether you can open it ?
>> There are other big files like over 1GB. I think the structure is the
>> same.
> I can open it using the nightly build, but not the 2.5 release.
> This particular file has a different structure than the
> one you referenced earlier. You could try the nightly build
> to see if it opens the other file as well.
> Our netCDF expert is out this week, but I'll ask him about
> this file when he gets back next week.
> Don
> *************************************************************
> Don Murray UCAR Unidata Program
> dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx P.O. Box 3000
> (303) 497-8628 Boulder, CO 80307
> *************************************************************