I would like to get suggestions how to add a user-specified 'time stamp'
to a singleBanded image or 2Dgrid returned by the jython function
included below.
I have 'hacked in' time to the object returned by the aggregate function
listed below, but ideally I would like to prompt the user instead.
'Time' is necessary so that a time animation is made possible, and for
other functions to work properly (i.e. the "Export Grid to
i.e. through a "user_mmddyyyy" so the function's formula would become
aggregateSeq(timeSequence,user_mmddyyyy) which would provide the time
for the object to be returned (news).
Any ideas?
Cheers Tyn
##### aggregate timesequence (call this jython function for
# Purpose: aggregate (per pixel) a timesequence
# Creator: V. Venus
def aggregateSeq(timeSequence,singleBand):
import sys;
# here we may choose various aggregator offered by the apache.org
"math" package
from org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive.moment import Mean
#from org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive.rank import Percentile
from jarray import zeros
from java.lang import Float
from java.lang import Double
#singleBand = timeSequence.getSample(0)
domain = singleBand.getDomainSet()
cs = domain.getCoordinateSystem()
len = domain.getLength()
# Pass in 0 as false so we don't copy the values
samples = domain.getSamples(0)
# Clone the incoming objects
news = singleBand.clone()
#newd = timeSequence.clone()
lineValuesA = singleBand.getSample(0).getFloats()
alg = Mean()
#print "Starting for loop ... number of iterations = ", len
# calculate aggregates for all coordinates (crd) for all times (time)
for crd in xrange(len):
#print "Pixel nr. ", crd + 1, " of ", len
# get length of imageSequence
seq = timeSequence.getDomainSet().getLength()
# create array to store values
arr = zeros(seq, "d")
# get all values for one coordinate for all times time and put
them into arr
#print "Entering nested forloop 1"
for time in xrange(seq):
# get the values
# Pass in 0 as false so we don't copy the values
#print " Retrieving pixel info for image nr. ", time + 1, "
of ", seq
values = timeSequence.getSample(time).getFloats(0)
arr[time] = values[0][crd]
cnt = 0
for i in xrange(seq):
if (arr[i] > 0) and (Double(arr[i]).isNaN() == 0):
cnt = cnt + 1
validArray = zeros(cnt, "d")
index = 0
for i in xrange(seq):
if (arr[i] > 0) and (Double(arr[i]).isNaN() == 0):
validArray[index] = arr[i]
index = index + 1
aggregate = alg.evaluate(validArray)
lineValuesA[0][crd] = aggregate
print "array from timeSequence: ",arr
print "array after filtering: ",validArray
print "aggegated array: ",aggregate
return news
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