Hi Tijn-
The sample on a 2D grid takes a LatLonPoint and you are passing in an
EarthLocation. you can call:
to get the LatLon position.
Valentijn Venus wrote:
I'm trying to sample at user-specified lat/lon in a 2D grid. Any ideas
to enhance as indicated in the comments below:
def getValueAtLocation(fieldimpl) :
"""Extract a value from a 3D grid at "Location." Enhance so it will
On 2D gridded datasets too
level is a makeEarthLocation; must be appropriate for the grid.
param fieldimpl is a grid which may have one or more time steps.
from ucar.unidata.idv.control.DisplayControlBase import
location = makeEarthLocation(10.000, 104.0, 0)
# lat/lon/alt should be supplied as a field of points loaded as csv
# the visad text-adaptor/ESRI shapefile
print location
ff = GridUtil.sample(fieldimpl, location)
# works NOT on a 2D grid (only on 3D), is there an equivalent for
print ff # works
return ff # return doesn't work yet, why?
Cheers, Tyn
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