[idvdevelopers] 20080123: IDV 2.6 update 1 available for download

Happy New Year!

Version 2.6 update 1 (2.6u1) of the Integrated Data Viewer (IDV) is
available for download at:


This fixes some bugs in the 2.6 release from last month:

* Changing levels in a plan view after the first load caused the entire volume to be downloaded.
* -islinteractive flag caused error. Worked in 2.5
* grid diagnostic formula would prompt for params when saved in bundle
* thickness for NAM 20 km (or any GRIB2 data) didn't take into account the units of the vertical levels.
* TDWR locations not correct.

Please see the Release Notes:


for more information.

If you have any questions, please contact the IDV support
team at support-idv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The IDV Developers

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