Re: [idvdevelopers] bug in LatLonWidget.setLat() and setLon()

Hi Gail-

On 7/15/10 9:15 AM, Gail Dengel wrote:
Hi Guys --

I've noticed a bug setting latitude and longitude in LatLonWidget. Using
MSG as an example, setting the center
lat = 0.00904604
lon = -0.00898543

results in
lat = 9.0
lon = -8.0

I think the error lies in decoding using Misc.decodeLatLon(9E-3).

I'm not sure how the 9E-3 is getting in there, but the E was being decoded as East so the -3 was being lost. I checked in a fix (which will be in the nightly build), so you could now have 9E-3E if you want. ;-)


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