[idvdevelopers] Hovmoller diagrams and climate functions


The IDV nightly build has a new Hovmoller control for doing Time-Longitude and Time-Latitude plots of gridded data. These are listed under the Hovmoller category in the Displays section of the Field Selector. Users can select a region through the Data Source properties or the Data Subset panel and the data will be averaged over the non-displayed dimension. This is useful for looking at changes in time over a given region in one display. Please direct comments/questions about the Hovmoller control to support-idv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Also, there is a nascent Jython library of climate functions for doing monthly climatologies and anomalies. The user's guide will be updated tomorrow, but the library is there now. Use the Edit->Formulas->Jython Library menu to bring up the Jython Library viewer. The climate functions are under System->Climatology Diagnostics. Suggestions for (or contributions of) new climate diagnostics are welcome.


Don Murray

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