Hi, this may seem like an odd question, or even a question posted to the
wrong place... But I was wondering how you managed to get gridded x,y
NetCDF data displaying properly in IDV?
I use IDV to visualize the results from CMAQ - an air quality model. The
CMAQ netcdf output files do not seem to follow any CF standard (that's my
guess at least), yet they display properly (properly geolocated) in IDV.
All the netcdf file has to define it's position are some header variables
such as:
:P_ALP = 33. ;
:P_BET = 45. ;
:P_GAM = -97. ;
:XCENT = -97. ;
:YCENT = 40. ;
:XORIG = 936000. ;
:YORIG = -576000. ;
:XCELL = 36000. ;
:YCELL = 36000. ;
I'm trying to visualize the netcdf data in some GIS applications now, but
it won't read those variables; instead it considers my x/y pairs to be
long/lat pairs.
My data is X,Y gridded data, where the grid cells are all a specific length.
Ultimately, my question is: does IDV do something special to read CMAQ
output files? Or would you suspect that the problem I'm running into is a
weakness with the GIS applications I am using (ArcGIS, QGIS) and should I
modify my NetCDF files to put in lat/lon fields for every grid point?