Re: [idvdevelopers] IDV Tutorial Videos


Thanks for the suggestions. We have been getting helpful feedback on the videos from several sources, and we plan on incorporating suggestions for the next round.

With shrinking budgets for travel, we expect distance instruction to play a greater role in how Unidata does training. Conversation to continue...



On 6/12/13 9:19 AM, Tom Whittaker wrote:
Hi Julien...

This is an excellent start.  I like the "orange-box highlighting" to
draw attention to labels, choices, tabs, etc.

I would suggestion just two things:

1. make the pointer a little larger so it's easier to follow

2. when you click on an item, either show something on the screen
(like a little flash of some color or something) or make a sound
(well, not _you_ of course).  It might be okay to use the word
"click", but if you can do either of the other ideas, that would be

Hope these ideas help....


On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 3:06 PM, Julien Chastang <chastang@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear IDV Community,

Following suggestions from our Users and steering committees, Unidata has
begun creating short video tutorials on the IDV. Please read about this
effort on the Unidata blog:

Best Wishes,

Unidata IDV Team

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