One note about this. If you made any bundles from the previous
progressive resolution test release, they will probably no longer work
(that's why it's called a test release ;-)). We had to make some
significant changes to simplify the underlying code and it was not
feasible to keep the old test bundles working. You will need to
recreate them, which would be a good test of whether things work from
scratch and from the new bundles.
And, as some of you have found, you cannot necessarily use any bundles
created under the test release with the official current release. But
please test any bundles made with the official release (4.1) under 5.0.
On 12/20/13 3:52 PM, Yuan Ho wrote:
Hi All,
I have a new test release here for the progressive resolution and
new image chooser. Please download from the following link:
The changes in the latest:
0) the release version is 5.0 for this test release
1) remove the progressive resolution checkbox from subset panel, it is
now set as the user preference and can be changed in view drop down menu
2) the use display area is added as a property of the datasource in the
data source properties panel
3) the show mag factor is added in the sidelegend
4) most of previous bugs should be fixed.
The design should be very close to be the final. My plan is to merge
this to the nightly release after the new year, and run more test and
prepare for the AMS short course with this version of IDV.
Don Murray