[idvdevelopers] IDV at 94th AMS Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia

  • To: undisclosed-recipients:;
  • Subject: [idvdevelopers] IDV at 94th AMS Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia
  • From: Julien Chastang <chastang@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 17:13:00 -0700
Dear IDV Community,

This email is a summary of what will be happening with the IDV at the 94th AMS Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia.

There will be a Short Course on "Integrating WRF and Other Model Output with Remote and In-situ Observational Datasets using Unidata’s Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)". Theoretically, there is still time to register.

Please read more about this event here:


and here


Martin A. Baxter from Central Michigan University will be giving a talk entitled "The Meteorology and Impacts of Superstorm Sandy: Creation of an Educational Case Study Using IDV and RAMADDA".


In addition, the IDV is featured in the following talks:



Lastly, Unidata IDV developers will be available for one-on-one IDV demonstrations and assistance at the Unidata booth (Booth Number 228) in the Exhibitors Hall.

We hope to see you at AMS.

-Unidata IDV Team

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