Re: [idvdevelopers] New test release of Image Chooser and PR

On Sat, 22 Feb 2014, Brian Mapes wrote:

> Hello IDVers.
> My opinion on PR naming needs a point of clarification about
> what it is exactly.
> Is it ONLY an option active during the Create Display moment?
> And ONLY if Match Display Region is selected
> (not Use Default Region) in the Field Selector?
> []
> I thought so, and that seems safe and useful, a modest addition.
> Maybe that would be called "display-matching subsetting" or something.
> The display at a given resolution, once created, would remain. You can
> Create another if you want more detail in some sub-area, or a broader
> subsampled view over a wider area.
> ---
> But I just discovered that PR can jump into action during a Projections -->
> Use Displayed Area change.  I just meant to redefine the "Home"
> icon to be my zoomed-in area, as the last finishing touch on a bundle.
> []
> Instead, PR actually overrode spatial subsetting limits I had put on my 
> datasets,
> causing a too-large data read (much larger than the displayed area at that
> moment, actually... I was trying to redefine Home view as a zoomed-in area,
> but first the zoom jumped out wide, then the data reading over that wide area 
> began).
> Match Display Area was unchecked in my (GFS and point data)
> dataset's Spatial Subset -- I had typed in lat/lon bounds manually.

     I forgot to mention one important feature which addresses the concern
you have here.

     After loaded the data and created the displays, you can turn off the
PR in the view window by uncheck the Projections > Use Pregressive
Disclosure. Now, it is safe to do all kinds of operation in this view
window, even the RBB.

The purpose of bounding the Projection and resampling data is to allow an
existing bundle to be used in different area. For example, Don't bundle of 
weather can be used to display the weather of Miami esaily.


> It crashed my session. (grr, sigh, again, I forgot to save often enough, 
> again...
> (p.s. where is autosave?? Even a user-beware, yes conceivably corrupt,
> .unidata/... hidden file one_minute_ago.xidv would be a treasure sometimes.
> I always know within a couple seconds when a click is regrettable.)
> Is it the intention that PR will be active in this way? Or is it a bug?
> This sounds more like an "adaptive resampling" and less safe.
> At least it should be unbundled from "Projection" since it is more
> and different and costly (although I find too often that Projection
> is a dangerous game... even Auto-set Projection is a killer when
> one dataset is on 0-360 and another on -180 to 180. Support tickets
> will be forthcoming...).
> We decided that PR mustn't reread data automatically upon every
> zoom/unzoom, since that would be a performance killer. Right?
> So what list of actions are meant to trigger a re-reading operation?
> Only new Create Display, or a well-defined list of other actions?
> This bears strongly on what the "PR" function should be named
> (and whether it should be on or off by default in Preferences, for
> the unwary user just updating to 5.0 because it is available).
> Brian
> On Feb 18, 2014, at 3:54 PM, Yuan Ho wrote:
> Hi All,
>      I would like to have another round of testing and feedback for the 
> progressive resolution (PR) and new image chooser. Hopefully, this will be 
> the final round and I can do a formal release very soon. Please download from 
> the following link:
> A few key points since the last communication:
> 1) PR checkbox has moved to the User Preferences > View. The main concern is 
> that we don't want to mix variables with PR and without PR and create 
> complicated derived variable. It would be a better design for PR to be a 
> global setting.
> 2) Match Display Area is now a property in the gridded dataset. If this is 
> checked in the properties window, it would be a default property for the 
> whole dataset. It can be overwritten in the data subset panel. This change 
> addresses Jim' request in the last meeting.
> 3) PR has been implemented in the ADDE point data server.
> Another issue is the decision for the Naming of PR. I like to use Progressive 
> Resolution, and Don's pick is Progressive Disclosure. In most situations of 
> rubber band box (RBB), there is no feature hiding being disclosed. In the 
> case of point data, RBB may bring out more stations in the view window. I 
> would like to know your opinion here.
> Thanks,
> Yuan
> Brian Mapes
> bmapes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:bmapes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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