Re: [idvdevelopers] New test release of Image Chooser and PR

I too echo Jim's thoughts ... great job to Yuan and all the developers!

Maybe I've just gotten used to it, but I don't have a problem with using the 
rubber band box (RBB) when I want progressive disclosure.  Am I correct in my 
perception that changing projections via the Projection menu will also force 
PD/PR to occur?

Below are some other notes ... where I think my questions have been answered 
already I will note it in caps ... also note there are some non image 
chooser/PR issues below ...

If user had previously enabled PD, and then zoomed in so that it took effect, 
then turned it off and clicked on 
home button, map rescales back to original zoom but originally-display image 
does not reappear -- just the portion
that represents the most recent zoomed-in region.  Must reload data from Data 

User Preferences allows user to enable Progressive Disclosure, but it also 
appears in the Projections Menu in Map View windows.  If User Prefs has it set 
to no, then setting it to yes in Projections has no effect.

System Memory settings:  Memory allocation ends up lower than user specifies.  
If I specify 3072 MB the max is 2.667 GB. 

Is there a way to set a display data source as master time driver other than at 
the beginning?

Projections --> Use Displayed Area is non-intuitive ... zooms out and reloads 
data, and in my case, did not re-draw contours. What is the purpose of this 

I am not clear what Brian Mapes means by "I just meant to redefine the "Home" 
icon to be my zoomed-in area, as the last finishing touch on a bundle. "

Not clear to me how one can take Don's Local Weather (Boulder) bundle and 
change projection so data 
loads over another city (e.g. Miami) ... when I try this, map view changes 
projection but no new 

How to make duplicating bundles (e.g. a N0Q radar loop for each site) easier?  
It appears at the very least, if one edits an .xidv file, one must change all 
instances of the site id, the full name of the location, as well as (several) 
instances of the sites coordinates and elevation.  This is an absolute must in 
my opinion ... it is so easy to do this in scripts that call GEMPAK programs, 
either in the scripts themselves and/or in the .nts files.

Are the functions accessed by Dashboard View --> Use Projection from 
Observations and Map Vew --> Projections--> Use Displayed Area the same?  Both 
seem to be just a way to zoom out.

In Edit--Preferences--View, what does "Reset Projection with New Data" mean?


I think that having a session at the next AMS, perhaps in one of the 
education/IT related conferences, devoted to IDV use in the classroom (and 
research) would  be a great idea.  I'm planning on having the Usercomm discuss 
this at the upcoming meeting.

Mostly due to our correspondent Paul Graham, I also think some effort in making 
ISL more functional would be a great thing too.

I'm looking forward to hearing about the Miami IDV workshop ... I am sure Brian 
will have lots of good ideas to keep Yuan and company busy!

Good work!


Kevin Tyle, Systems Administrator 
Dept. of Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences   
University at Albany
Earth Science 235, 1400 Washington Avenue                        
Albany, NY 12222
Email: ktyle@xxxxxxxxxx
Phone: 518-442-4578                             

From: Jim Steenburgh <jim.steenburgh@xxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2014 6:45 PM
To: Yuan Ho; <idv-steering@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; idvdevelopers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: New test release of Image Chooser and PR


     I've finally had a chance to play around with both the PR and the
Match Display Area options.  Awesome job to the IDV developers.  Here
are some impressions, some of which may have been noted before:

1. Great to see the match display area capability.  It is a major
advance.  I can envision some new bundles that will allow me to just
switch to a new area of interest by just selecting a new projection.

2. It would please me greatly if it were a possible default option in
preferences.  If I missed it, let me know where it is.

3. I tried switching between projections, which I hope to do a lot.
Usually it worked well.  Situations where the projection crossed the 0
or 180 meridian sometimes did weird things (attached are examples).
These used the gfs time matched to global satellite imagery.

4. There are two places where one can change the spatial subset. One is
when you right click on the data source and select "spatial subset."
The other is when you select a variable and then "region."  These have
different looks and feels.  In the former, you can click on a little box
by "Match Display Area" or just draw a box for the plot region.  In the
other, there is a drop down for "use default region", "select a region",
or "match display region."  I prefer the latter approach with the drop
down and suggest that it be incorporated into the data source right
click option. Making the look and feel consistent will really help the
user.  There are probably other examples of where we could do this.

5. With regards to progressive resolution, I'm not sure what to
recommend.  It is clear that it could be a really useful feature, but I
wonder if some thought is needed before we unleash it on the masses.  In
particular, it only works if you rubber band.  I don't rubber band very
much and I really wanted it for other zooming approaches.  I often times
zoom out, pan, and then zoom in again. PR could be nice for this, but
one can't do this with rubber banding.

6. I wish to reemphasize that there are many uses where PR would be
useful with the models and not just the HRRR.  Especially, for example,
when viewing wind vectors.

7. Overall, I think the match display area option looks really good.  I
need to test it some more, but it seems like it could be added for the
next public release.  I think PR is cool, but wonder if it would be
better if we tinkered around with it before adding it to the next public

8. Totally unrelated, but I had never noticed before that "Match Time
Driver" and "Set as Time Driver" are not options when you right click on
a data source and selecte "times."  That would be a very convenient


On 2/18/14 1:54 PM, Yuan Ho wrote:
> Hi All,
>       I would like to have another round of testing and feedback for
> the progressive resolution (PR) and new image chooser. Hopefully, this
> will be the final round and I can do a formal release very soon.
> Please download from the following link:
> A few key points since the last communication:
> 1) PR checkbox has moved to the User Preferences > View. The main
> concern is that we don't want to mix variables with PR and without PR
> and create complicated derived variable. It would be a better design
> for PR to be a global setting.
> 2) Match Display Area is now a property in the gridded dataset. If
> this is checked in the properties window, it would be a default
> property for the whole dataset. It can be overwritten in the data
> subset panel. This change addresses Jim' request in the last meeting.
> 3) PR has been implemented in the ADDE point data server.
> Another issue is the decision for the Naming of PR. I like to use
> Progressive Resolution, and Don's pick is Progressive Disclosure. In
> most situations of rubber band box (RBB), there is no feature hiding
> being disclosed. In the case of point data, RBB may bring out more
> stations in the view window. I would like to know your opinion here.
> Thanks,
> Yuan

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