On Mar 11, 2014, at 7:56 AM, "Tyle, Kevin R" <ktyle@xxxxxxxxxx>
> >> More often, I see they have the same data source loaded multiple times.
> >> Not plotted multiple times ... but there nonetheless. Need to inquire
> >> among the students to see what thought processes make this happen. How
> >> hard would it be to have the user interface say "You have already loaded
> >> this data source, are you sure you want to do so again?"
Interesting point--I've run into this intermittently, too.
The IDV could recognize that a file with the same name has already been loaded
and, as you suggest, interrupt with a query (and the interruption might
sometimes be briefer than reloading the data). Even more useful, though, might
be to issue a query only if the creation/modification date of the requested
data file had not changed since it was last loaded.
That is, reloading the same file is probably only an issue when the file hasn't
changed since it was previously loaded--otherwise, reloading the (changed) file
would probably be a good thing, usually.
Don worked on a perhaps related situation in which I have symbolic links with
unchanging names (e.g., "latest_GFS.grb") pointing to a new file every six
hours. The problem of recognizing when the the contents of a file has changed
even when the name of the file hasn't changed, comes up in a sense in that
case, too. The solution, if there eventually will be one, turns out to trace to
NetCDF-Java, not the IDV (or the RAMADDA server, which is the context where Don
diagnosed it).
-- Dave
* Dr. Dave Dempsey | ^ ___ \|/ *
* Dept. of Earth & Climate Sciences | ) ^ /||_||\ --0-- *
* San Francisco State University | ) ) / ||_|| \ /|\ *
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