Re: [idvdevelopers] IDV: Dead views piling up

Hello Kevin,

On 2014-03-11, at 9:56 AM, Tyle, Kevin R <ktyle@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> More often, I see they have the same data source loaded multiple times.  Not 
> plotted multiple times ... but there nonetheless.  Need to inquire among the 
> students to see what thought processes make this happen.  How hard would it 
> be to have the user interface say "You have already loaded this data source, 
> are you sure you want to do so again?"

Indeed! It's so easy that the IDV already has code written that attempts to do 
exactly that:

Okay, okay…apologies for the snark. I was able to verify the duplicate checker 
works by attempting to create two identical data sources via the "Sat & 
Radar>Images" chooser. Without knowing the specifics of your situation, here's 
what immediately comes to mind:

* Are you certain that the data sources are identical? An easy way to check 
would be to right click on the data sources in question and view their 
"Details" tabs--identical data sources should have identical details.

* Could there be any issues with bundles?

If you can replicate the problem please consider saving a bundle…or just use 
both "xidv" and "zidv" bundles to be safe.

Good luck!


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