Hi all, I thought that those of you who might actually be in a place where springlike weather is actually occurring might enjoy this little bundle that shows p-type characteristics from the HRRR, centered over Albany (where we have remained tantalizingly close to the snow line, but according to the HRRR, still have a few more hours for a changeover). This should auto-update with each new hour of HRRR output. This is made with 5.0. It is also served on our RAMADDA server ramadda.atmos.albany.edu:8080/repository under IDV Bundles - - > HRRR. Question 1: how might I easily be able to replace "Precipitation_TypeN", where N=1 to 4, with Snow, IP, FZRA, RA in the legends? Question 2: Although I selected the data set using the "Latest OPenDAP Data" in my HRRR catalog, whenever I check out the Data Properties via the Data menu, it always will show the date/time corresponding to the time used when I created the bundle ... e.g. 1403121800_hrrr_141.grib2. I can edit the .xidv file to replace that string with "Latest OpenDAP" or the like, but it seems that this should happen automatically when the IDV loads the "Latest" data source from a catalog. Maybe this is specific to data housed on a RAMADDA as opposed to THREDDS server ... not sure. Enjoy ... --Kevin _____________________________________________ Kevin Tyle, Systems Administrator Dept. of Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences University at Albany Earth Science 235, 1400 Washington Avenue Albany, NY 12222 Email: ktyle@xxxxxxxxxx<mailto:ktyle@xxxxxxxxxx> Phone: 518-442-4578 _____________________________________________
Description: hrrr_ptype_alb.xidv