Re: [idvdevelopers] Proposed change to menu items in Displays tab of Dashboard

On 6/30/14, 10:30 AM, Bob Carp wrote:
Hello IDV Developers -

This email is in regards to redundant Properties menu items in the
Displays tab of the Dashboard for display types that display in this tab
(through the View and Edit menus).

For example, here are displays where you can get to the same properties
through both View and Edit:

  * Hovmoller, Vertical Cross Sections, Time/Height, Data Transect
  * For example, under Edit>Properties for Hovmoller, there is a
    'Hovmoller View' tab.  This same tab is also under the Edit menu.

Here is the display where you can get to the Displays properties through
only Edit:

  * Skew-T

Here are displays where you can get to the Displays properties through
only View:

  * Data Probe/Time Series, Vertical Profile

For consistency purposes, we are proposing that the Edit>Properties for
the Displays properties should be removed, and the Displays properties
should only be under View.  Here are our reasons for this change:

  * There are already a lot of menu items in the Displays tab, so this
    would help clean things up a bit
  * Some display types (Data Probe/Time Series and Vertical Profile) can
    only have properties under View since you can have multiple
    charts/profiles in the same Displays tab.  If under Edit, there
    would only be one properties window to control all of the
    charts/profiles.  Under View, the properties of each chart/profile
    can be accessed independently of each other. Therefore, having all
    Displays properties controlled through View would help things as far
    as consistency.
  * We have had a user tell us that they expect the Edit menu in the
    Displays to only control the Main Display, as it does for other
    display types that don't end up in the Displays tab (e.g. contour
    plan view displays).

We wanted to pass this around to the IDV developers to see if others
agree with our proposed approach to this.  Do you agree that removing
the redundant Properties menus is a good thing, or do you like having
the ability to do the same thing in multiple places?

Yes - the latter. Having more ways to skin a cat is a feature of the IDV. Different users use the menus in different ways.

Don Murray

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