Re: [idvdevelopers] ascat data in netcdf in IDV

Dear Julien Chastang,

> We experimented with your data. The Conventions=CF-1.6 seems suspect. When
> we removed that convention global attribute with NCML and loaded the data
> in the IDV with the "Aggregate Grids by Time" Data Source Type, the data
> seemed to be properly handled with respect to time.

Thank you for your assistance.  Could you double check if what I did
is the same as what you did?  I can't quite get it to work correctly yet:

- Select multiple files
- open as "aggregate grids by time"
- I now get 1 data source with multiple time steps (good!)
- plot true wind vectors as wind barb plan view

I can now indeed scroll through time, but the 2nd, 3rd and
following time steps all use the coordinate fields of the 1st time
step.  This is incorrect, as each swath has it's own coordinate

What's needed instead is that the longitude and latitude fields also
have a time axis and vary in time.  I've tried this, demo files are at

However, when I add the time axis to the longitude and latitude fields
I can't get the files to load as grids anymore.  I've tried playing
with the coordinates and featureType attributes, but no luck so far.

Kind regards,


Dr. Hein Zelle
Senior consultant meteorology & oceanography

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