Brian Mapes
Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences
Director, Meteorology and Physical Oceanography program
RSMAS, University of Miami
4600 Rickenbacker Causeway
Miami, FL 33149-1031
phone: (305) 421-4275
On Jul 12, 2021, at 11:59 AM, Yuan Ho <yuanho@xxxxxxxx<mailto:yuanho@xxxxxxxx>>
CAUTION: This email originated from outside the organization. DO NOT CLICK ON
LINKS or OPEN ATTACHMENTS unless you know and trust the sender.
Dear IDV Community,
The IDV 6.0 is available for download at:<>
This is a major release with several new and improvement features including new
OpenJDK packages, Cross Boundary Subset, 3D cross layout model, new Volume
Rendering and several Jython functions updated in the system library. The MacOS
installer has been notarized by Apple in this release.
For detail information, see the release notes at:<>
Please report any problems to
The IDV Development Team