>From: Unidata User Support <support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Organization: Unidata Program Center/UCAR
>Keywords: Unidata-Wisconsin ldm-mcidas LDM ldmd.conf pqact.conf
Unidata-Wisconsin datastream (IDD UNIWISC/MCIDAS) users:
As announced in the summer of 2003, the contents of the Unidata-Wisconsin
datastream are scheduled to be changed. The full set of changes to be
made is detailed in:
Proposed Unidata-Wisconsin Datastream Changes
The first portion of the changes are scheduled to be made at 18 UTC on
Wednesday, January 7. These changes will include:
* the addition of Northern and Southern hemisphere Wildfire ABBA products
* an increase in the resolution of GOES-East Water Vapor images from 8 km
to 4 km
* the addition of short wavelength IR (3.9 um) images from GOES-East and
* the addition of long wavelength IR images from GOES-East (13.3 um) and
GOES-West (12.0 um)
A second change is scheduled to be made on Friday, January 9. This change
will consist of:
* an increase in broadcast frequency from once-per-hour to twice-per-hour
for the GOES-East and West IR (3.9 um, 6.5/6.8 um, 10.7 um, and
13.3/12.0 um) and VIS (0.65 um) images
A third change will occur in late January:
* the expansion in geographical coverage of the GOES-East images to
increase South America coverage whenever southern GOES-East scans are
Things to consider to accommodate the Unidata-Wisconsin changes:
1) Modification of your LDM request for the Unidata-Wisconsin imagery
You may need to modify the request for UNIWISC (aka MCIDAS) data
in your LDM's ldmd.conf file.
2) Modification of the decoding of Unidata-Wisconsin imagery
You may need to modify/add to the UNIWISC decoding actions in your
LDM's pqact.conf file.
3) Modification of your procedures for scouring data
You may need to adjust the procedures you have for scouring of
UNIWISC imagery.
4) Modification of McIDAS ADDE serving of the data you ingest
If you are a McIDAS user, you will need to adjust your ADDE setup
in order to serve the new imagery.
Each of these four items is discussed at length in the 'Hot Topics' link
off of the LDM-MCIDAS web pages:
Hot Topics
Unidata-Wisconsin Datastream Changes
In particular, a change to your LDM ldmd.conf file request for UNIWISC
data that would keep your system ingesting exactly what is in the
datastream currently is presented. This could be useful to folks that
do not wish to deal with the datastream changes at the moment.
Please send any questions/concerns about the datastream changes to
Unidata User Support <support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>. We can help you
upgrade your system(s) to accommodate the datastream changes.
Tom Yoksas
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