Re: Linux GUI unresponsive on IDV startup

Hi Ken-

Ken Tanaka wrote:
I'm having my mouse buttons and keyboard go inactive on starting IDV. Two windows open, one mostly overlapping the other. The top window is a "Data Selector" and the bottom one has a status bar visible on the bottom that says "Memory 16.40/28.77 MB (56%)" and "Loading Defaults". My mouse pointer still moves, but focus stops following mouse (no highlights on windows or buttons under pointer). Logging in remotely the system is still alive. The java process is using 99.7% of CPU. After about 10 minutes the system freezes, and the GUI goes completely dead, with the pointer no longer responding to the mouse movements. Is this an OpenGL issue? Has anyone encountered this before?

I'm thinking this is an OpenGL issue.  When we've encountered something
like this on Windows, it's usually OpenGL and the solution is to upgrade
the video driver.  On Linux, it's not that simple because the driver
is part of the XFree86 system.

I'm using RedHat Linux release 7.3 (kernel 2.4.20-31.73ncirt.1 NOAA certified), on a Dell 350 with 1GB RAM. The IDV version is 1.0.1

What kind of video card are you using and what resolution/bit depth
is being used?  Sometimes on Windows, it helps to change from 32 to
16 bit color, especially with an ATI card.  If you are running
with 32 bit, you might try switching to 16 bit.  Another option would
be to update to a later version of XFree86.  What version are you
running now?

As a side note, we are preparing to release version 1.1 in August.
This new version will require Java 1.4, which will not run under
RedHat 7.3.  Does NOAA have plans to support later versions of RedHat
with the latest versions of gcc?

Don Murray                               UCAR Unidata Program
dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                        P.O. Box 3000
(303) 497-8628                              Boulder, CO 80307
"There's someone in my head, but it's not me"    Roger Waters

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