Re: Contour Plan View

Hello Vicente-

Vicente Sanz Bra wrote:
Hi Tom.

Finally I could solve the problem. If it works to you in the United States
why it doesn't works in Spain?. It's because of the diferent measurement
units in the States
and in Spain. In Spain we use "," for the decimal and "." for the thousand
separation. Once I changed it it works well.

At the current time, the IDV uses an English representation for
all numbers.  We have been trying to account for the difference
in localized decimal representations, but as you see we have
not been completely successful.

I will look at this to make sure the particular problem you
ran into will be fixed in the next release.

Thank you anyway. Your are so kind to help me. May be one day I can help you
as well.

Don Murray
Don Murray                               UCAR Unidata Program
dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                        P.O. Box 3000
(303) 497-8628                              Boulder, CO 80307
        "Time makes everyone interesting, even YOU!"

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