Re: loading point-data to idv

After reading the projection paragraph 5.6 of CF-1.0 again, I understood your comment about the Adding the coordinates = "lon lat" flag to the variables made variables longitude and latitude disappear in the IDV variable listing. But it still doesn't show any longitude values when showing a variable: The latitude values are all correct, but for longitude, I allways get 'NA'.

I uploaded the corrected file again:
I hope somebody has time to give me a hint where my file is wrong.

Best regards,


Heiko Klein wrote:
Your right, the String valued "station" is a extension to CF-1, and not obvious, though it is not against any CF-1 rule and it should work in a general CF-1 reader.

Looking at your UnidataObsConvention link, I must admit that this is a very useful extension to CF-1, and I would like to see it included in the successor to CF-1. I had some problems adding extensions to CF-1.0, because in 2.6.1 it says that the Conventions string must be 'CF-1.0', while the netcdf documentation allows for a comma-separated list of conventions. I tried some programs (visad, and they had problems when I created files with Conventions = "CF-1.0,GDV".

You leave me puzzled with your comment about "". This is a CF-1.0 grid file in polar_stereographic projection I have some problems with reading into IDV. CF section 5.4 is about Timeseries of station data. I thought I send you links to two files:

StationObs in CF-1.0: ftp://emepftp@xxxxxxxxxx/heikok/

polar_stereo grid in CF-1.0: ftp://emepftp@xxxxxxxxxx/heikok/

Best regards,


John Caron wrote:

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