I have data from a LambertConformal model grid M over the pacific
northwest. I'd like to compare the model values (for say geopotential
height) with the RUC20 grid R.
Manually, I can project M's x,y points to lat,lon, then project those
lat/lons back to the x,y grid points of R and resample R's values (using
e.g. weighted average) and assign the values to a new grid M'.
Can I do this visually in IDV, so that a two pane display will show M
and M', with the default map area for both just M, i.e. not the much
bigger R.
If not in IDV, does anyone know of a toolset to do this? I have noted
the many tools under
but none seems to quite do what I want.
Any help appreciated
Stuart Maclean