Re: z ordering of displays?

Hi Stuart-

Stuart Maclean wrote:
I have a jnlp downloadable IDV app which reads in a bundle at startup. The bundle was saved when my display window consists of a color-filled contour plan view of some wind data, and the Blue Marble image.

When I access the jnlp file, on my Linux system the color regions of my data appear 'on top' of the Blue Marble, which is the desired behavior. However on various local Windows systems, the Blue Marble layer has to be made invisible for the data color fills to appear?

I have tried saving the bundle after having added the displays in various orders, but to no avail.

The url is

Any help appreciated

Currently, the IDV only adds a display when it has data.
Depending on the speed at which your remote data is retrieved,
you may get different ordering.  In the latest releases
(1.3b2 and 2.0RC3), we set dummy data for the satellite and
radar controls to retain the z ordering.  We'll probably
do something similar for all controls in a future release.
For now, the only solution is to use the control's View->To Front
menu to reorder the displays after the bundle is loaded if
they are not correct.

Don Murray
Don Murray                               UCAR Unidata Program
dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                        P.O. Box 3000
(303) 497-8628                              Boulder, CO 80307

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