Re: [idvusers] Viewing multiple, time-dependent netCDF files


On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 12:18 PM, Mike Leuthold
<leuthold@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I've recently begun to explore IDV in order to visualize WRF output and I 
> have the same issue
> that Don Morton wrote about in2006, which is that I'd like open multiple 
> netCDF output files
> and be able to loop through them.  The solutions at the time were to use 
> netCDF Markup
> Language aggregation or cat grib files.  Has there been any work on using 
> multiple
> netCDF output files in IDV or am I totally missing this advance?

It's pretty easy to generate the NcML to do the aggregation.   Say you
have two files you want to aggregate in time are called
where each file contains a forecast at 3 hourly intervals.

Here are three different scenarios:

1. If both files have the same time units (e.g. "seconds since
1970-01-01" or something) and the first time step in the 2nd file
follows the last time step in the 1st file, then  "wrf_agg.ncml" could
be this simple:

<netcdf xmlns="";>
         <aggregation dimName="time" type="joinExisting">
            <netcdf location="wrf_2008021300.grib"/>
            <netcdf location="wrf_2008021400.grib"/>

or you could scan all the .grib files in a specified directory instead
of specifying the specific names:

<netcdf xmlns="";>
         <aggregation dimName="time" type="joinExisting">
           <scan location="/Volumes/models/wrf/" suffix=".grib"/>

2. If each file has different units for time (a different time
origin), as it often the case with Grib, then you can override the
time variable explicitly, giving a start and increment.

<netcdf xmlns="";>
         <aggregation dimName="time" type="joinExisting">
            <netcdf location="wrf_2008021300_0000.grib"/>
            <netcdf location="wrf_2008021400_0000.grib"/>
         <variable name="time">
           <attribute name="units" type="String" value="hours since
2008-02-13 00:00 UTC"/>
          <values start="0" increment="3"/>

3. Finally, if each file contained a 48 hour forecast, but you wanted
only the 0-21 hour values from each, you could specify those values

<netcdf xmlns="";>
         <aggregation dimName="time" type="joinExisting">
            <netcdf location="wrf_2008021300_0000.grib" coordValue="
 0   3   6   9  12  15  18  21   " />
            <netcdf location="wrf_2008021400_0000.grib" coordValue="
 0   3   6   9  12  15  18  21   " />
         <variable name="time">
          <attribute name="units" type="String" value="hours since
2008-02-13 00:00 UTC"/>
          <values start="0" increment="3"/>

There may be some even easier way to do it.   I trust the IDV guys
will speak up, if so!


Dr. Richard P. Signell   (508) 457-2229
USGS, 384 Woods Hole Rd.
Woods Hole, MA 02543-1598

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