I've recently begun to explore IDV in order to visualize WRF output and I have
the same issue that Don Morton wrote about in 2006, which is that I'd like open
multiple netCDF output files and be able to loop through them. The solutions
at the time were to use netCDF Markup Language aggregation or cat grib files.
Has there been any work on using multiple netCDF output files in IDV or am I
totally missing this advance? Thanks.
Hi Mike,
If your files can be simply aggregated along the time dimension then you
can just select multiple files in the File Chooser (shift-click) and
then choose the Data Source Type "Aggregated Grid Files". The IDV will
automatically internally generate the ncml file that Rich describes:
<netcdf xmlns="http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/namespaces/netcdf/ncml-2.2">
<aggregation dimName="time" type="joinExisting">
<netcdf location="wrf_2008021300.grib"/>
<netcdf location="wrf_2008021400.grib"/>