[idvusers] MODIS Swath attribute


  I'm having a trouble with viewing this Swath file with IDV.

  Here's a test URL you can try.


  I believe it's related to one of the attributes below because I can
see a data without problem if I suppress all of them.

  Here's a screen shot that works without attributes:


  Can anyone point out which attribute causes IDV to stop treating it
as DODS Grid file?

Attributes {
    Snow%20Cover {
        String long_name "Snow_covered_land";
        String units "none";
        String format "I3";
        Byte valid_range 0, 254;
        Byte _FillValue 255;
        String Key%3a "200=snow, 254=DetectorSaturated,
50=CloudObscured, 39=ocean, 37=lake, 100=LakeIce, 25=NoSnow, 11=night,
1=NoDecision, 0=L1BMissingData";
        String Nadir_data_resolution "500 m";
        Float32 Valid%20EV%20Obs%20Band%201 100;
        Float32 Valid%20EV%20Obs%20Band%202 99.9904;
        Float32 Valid%20EV%20Obs%20Band%204 99.9998;
        Float32 Valid%20EV%20Obs%20Band%206 99.9999;
        Float32 Saturated%20EV%20Obs%20Band%201 0;
        Float32 Saturated%20EV%20Obs%20Band%202 0.00964348;
        Float32 Saturated%20EV%20Obs%20Band%204 0.000181909;
        Float32 Saturated%20EV%20Obs%20Band%206 0;
        String Auto_check_QA "Acceptable";
        String coordinates "lon lat";
    Snow%20Cover%20PixelQA {
        String long_name "Snow_cover_spatial_QA";
        String units "none";
        String format "I3";
        Byte valid_range 0, 254;
        Byte _FillValue 255;
        String Key%3a "state of bits 0 and 1; 00=nominal; 01=abnormal;
10=cloud; 11=invalid; state of bit 2; 0=nominal, 1=averaged or
replaced; state of bit 3; 0=within 45 deg scan angle, 1=beyond 45 deg
scan angle; state of bit 4; 0=nominal, 1=high band 6 uncertainty
index; state of bit 5; 0=cloud mask used, 1=cloud mask not used; state
of bit 6; 0=nominal, 1=noisy L1B data; state of bit 7; 0=nominal,
1=unusable L1B data";
        Int32 Invalid_input 0;
        Int32 Nominal_results 35;
        Int32 Abnormal_results 4;
        Int32 Cloud_obscured 61;
        String coordinates "lon lat";
    Snow%20Cover%20Reduced%20Cloud {
        String long_name "Snow_Cover_with_liberal_cloud_mask";
        String units "none";
        String format "I3";
        String Key%3a "200=snow, 254=DetectorSaturated,
50=CloudObscured, 39=ocean, 37=lake, 100=LakeIce, 25=NoSnow, 11=night,
1=NoDecision, 0=L1BMissingData";
        String coordinates "lon lat";


+1 (217) 265-7710

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