I have a problem drawing vector fields when using my own formula and custom
lat/lon projections in IDV 2.7u2. It seems that the eastward component is
scaled incorrectly in my own projection, i.e. the eastward component is scaled
down such that my vectors always either point north- or southward.
To isolate the problem I defined a formula to make vectors with equal size u
and v components (1,1):
makeVector( newName(a/a, "u") , newName(a/a, "v") )
I plotted this using 3 lat/lon projections (see attached image, zoomed in on
Gulf of Aden):
- predefined 'world'
- predefined 'africa'
- custom, my own region defined using projection manager
In all 3 cases the vectors point in a different direction (they tend to rotate
to the North). Only in the 'world' projection, the vectors seem correct. What's
(I have posted this question in another thread some weeks ago but haven't
received an answer, apologize if I am being too impatient).
Reinoud Bokhorst
Advisor Oceanography & ICT
Tel: +31 (0)527-242 299
Fax: +31 (0)527-242 016
Web: www.bmtargoss.com
P.O. Box 61, 8325 ZH Vollenhove
Voorsterweg 28, 8316 PT Marknesse
The Netherlands
![PNG image](png1aFyr3iR5H.png)