Hi All-
This appears to be due to a change in the version of Java between what
we delivered in 2.6u2 and current versions on how it handles lightweight
(GUI) and heavyweight (map display) components. There's a fix in the
latest nightly build (just released). Please let us know if that
doesn't fix the problem.
Don Murray
Kevin R. Tyle wrote:
I've noted the same behavior on several platforms/OS's . . . although
the common factor for me has been ATI graphics.
Kevin Tyle, Systems Administrator **********************
Dept. of Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences ktyle@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
University at Albany, ES-235 518-442-4578 (voice)
1400 Washington Avenue 518-442-5825 (fax)
Albany, NY 12222 **********************
On Wed, 6 Jan 2010, HansPeter Roesli wrote:
Hi Jeff -
Actually, I experience the same/similar problem already for some time
(if I recall correctly it turned up around the time I was in Boulder
last June, might be I even showed it to you). When I restore from full
screen I get a completely empty display. My work around is to reset
width/height to values similar to the original display and do "Full
Screen" again. This always works even if repeated over and over.
Originally I thought it would be a problem of the ATI graphic card
(under Linux) that has produced other problems in the past and
currently (spider web maps). But it occurs also on my Vista notebook
with a Mobile Intel chipset. So, most probably it is not primarily a
hardware/driver problem.
cheers, HP
Jeff McWhirter wrote:
Brown, Murray wrote:
I was able to get the display to set, as you describe below. But
for version 2.8b your second instructions should properly read:
View>Properties>set width & height>OK
View>Full Screen
However, if I try View>Restore Full Screen, IDV completely loses the
Map View. Is this the right result?
Hi Murray,
That is not the expected result. What platform are you running on? Is
the gui are where the map view should be just blank? Can you try to
resize the window and/or force a repaint to see if its there?
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