Hi Dawn
Dawn Carrier wrote:
I am looking to install the IDV in a linux installation (dual boot with
windows pc), but I would be interested in knowing from the group what are
the preferred and most trouble free linux flavours for the IDV? Bear in mind
I do not have a great deal of linux knowlegde, the less dependencies needed
to get up and running the better!
Since a couple of years I am running IDV under OpenSUSE with the Gnome
desktop. No problems beside some hickups with ATI-based displays (that
recently appear to be fading, though). Whatever OS you choose, I
recommend the 64-bit flavour.
Also, are there any known resource usage differences between the windows and
linux versions when running the IDV?
The only significant difference I can think of in this moment is the
more efficient RAM use by Linux as compared to XP and Vista. No idea
about significant changes in RAM management by W7. The bigger amount of
RAM you can assign under Linux definitely is an advantage when
processing big data volumes (e.g satellite image sequences). I recommend
a look at "Performance Tuning" in the Users' Guide.
Thank you.
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