Re: [idvusers] Detecting Data Source Type in IDV 2.8

  Thanks for your quick help, Jeff!

  After installing the plug-in, IDV 2.8 behaves like the previous versions.


On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 10:24 AM, Jeff McWhirter
<jeffmc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
>>  I tried IDV 2.8 and found out that it's not detecting OPeNDAP Grids
>> automatically when I use "I'm Feeling Lucky" in Data Source Type.
>> It prompts the "Adde Text" instead.  I haven't seen this problem in
>> the previous versions of IDV.
>>  To verify it, please try the following OPeNDAP Grid:
>>  Is there a new option in IDV 2.8 to make the automatic detection work?
> The IDV uses string patterns to try to figure out what kind of data source a
> url or file is. It just isn't matching your url. The prompt for "Adde Text"
> does not indicate that the IDV thinks this is ADDE Text data. Rather, that
> data source type is just the first one in the list.
> Attached is a plugin that you can install (copy to
> ~/.unidata/idv/DefaultIdv/plugins or install it with the Plugins Manager
> under the Tools menu). This datasource.xml file just defines a new type -
> HDF-EOS5 data source, that just has the pattern: "HDF-EOS". Now, when you
> enter the above url with the plugin installed it will pick up on the pattern
> and create the right kind of data source automatically.
> -Jeff

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