Hi Evan-
Evan Lowery wrote:
Hello IDV Users,
Sorry if this was previously discussed in the IDV tutorial / mailing /
support lists ..
Goal: Develop an ISL script / XIDV bundle which generates a png image of the
most recent GOES East Full Disk IR Satellite. The png image would include
the date/time stamp of that satellite image (i.e.
So far I've been able to create an ISL script / XIDV bundle which pulls the
latest GOES East Full Disk IR Sat and generates a png image with the
following settings:
1) Data Chooser
a. Server (satepsanone.nesdis.noaa.gov)
b. Dataset (PUB), Image Type (GEFDSK04I4)
c. Times (Most recent)
d. Data Type (Brightness)
e. Channel (10.7 um IR Surface/Cloud-top Temp)
f. Location (Center)
g. Image Size (2705 x 5212)
h. Navigation Type (Default)
i. Add Source
2) Field Selector
a. Imagery (Image Display)
b. Unchecked (Use Default)
c. Selected (Most Recent Image)
d. Create Display
3) View - Properties
a. Checked (Show Times in View, Auto-set Projection, Show "Please
Wait" Message, Show Cursor Readout)
b. all else unchecked
c. Full Screen Dimensions (960W x 720H)
d. Apply
4) View Full Screen
5) File - Save As
a. goeseast_fulldisk_ir.isl
Product - Generate an image (checked) (${islpath/goeseast_fulldisk.png)
Advanced - Offscreen / Debug (checked), 1 Iteration, 60s Sleep Time
iii. OK
This isl script / xidv bundle generates the desired "latest" GOES East Full
Disk IR Image.
How can it also find the date / time stamp of this satellite image, and name
the png image with that date/time stamp?
It's not explicit in the User's Guid, but, for the file name, use
for the correct formatting of the time: properties.
I'm able to manually "Save current time as csv" when performing a Data
Probe/Time Series on the satellite image, but can't figure out how to
automate that process.
There is no way to do this at present that I know of.
Don Murray UCAR Unidata Program
dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx P.O. Box 3000
(303) 497-8628 Boulder, CO 80307