I have some textual METAR, SYNOP and Buoy data that I translate to
NetCDF using the Unidata Perl decoders package (perlDecoders-5.1.0:
syn2nc, metar2nc, buoy2nc). The three resulting files open fine in IDV
as "netCDF/GEMPAK Point Data"; i.e. I can use the Point Data Plot & LIst
to look at the data.
However, selecting a station from the map display to look at the time
series plot only works for the METAR stations, not for the others.
There are some differences in the NetCDF format of the files. What are
the requirements on the data to make the 'station select' feature work?
(obligatory fields, atttributes,..)
Reinoud Bokhorst
Advisor Oceanography & ICT