Since we're talking netCDF and IDV . . . what about ECMWF grids that
are in spectral form? Is it still the case that IDV cannot directly
display grids from these netCDF files?
Kevin Tyle, Systems Administrator **********************
Dept. of Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences ktyle@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
University at Albany, ES-235 518-442-4578 (voice)
1400 Washington Avenue 518-442-5825 (fax)
Albany, NY 12222 **********************
On Thu, 13 May 2010, Matthew Foster wrote:
I think a big part of the problem with AWIPS NetCDF is that AWIPS predates
the CF convention by quite a bit (it looks like CF 1.0 came out in 2003) and
even predates COARDS (1995?). There was probably some other convention
around when AWIPS (WFO-Advanced) was under development, but I don't know what
that would be.
I could be mistaken in my timeline. Feel free to correct me if I have it
Matt @ OUN
On 5/13/2010 2:58 PM, Tom Whittaker wrote:
Hey Brian....
I would venture say that the issue has nothing to do with NetCDF, per
se. The issue is that certain "conventions" (some call them
"standards") have been adopted by scores of people all over the world
for structuring and defining their data grids in NetCDF files. "CF
conventions" is what is used.
Apparently the AWIPS structures do not use these conventions; hence,
any software that understands CF Conventions will not be able to
understand the structure of the data contained in the NetCDF file, and
therefore will not know what is what.
Who defines the structure of the AWIPS NetCDF files? Those are the
folks who need to have a look at CF Conventions (which by the way, do
evolve to embrace new data forms -- we are working with a group now to
define these for "satellite data", for example).
While I do get a little riled up about this, I cannot complain too
much as I have the same issues right here in SSEC -- now matter how
hard I seem to beat on people, I still get files that are not usable
in IDV/McIDAS-V as the scientist chose to ignore conventions (of any
kind, it seems....). It is getting better, though....
Current CF Conventions documented at:
On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 2:21 PM, Hoeth, Brian R. (JSC-WS8)[NOAA]
<brian.r.hoeth@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
This seems like as good a time as any to chime in ... I have always been
frustrated w/ the fact that Unidata NetCDF is not the same as AWIPS
NetCDF. I thought the whole reason to have NetCDF files is that they are
a Common Data Format (CDF). What's even more puzzling is that the folks
who develop AWIPS (GSD) work right down the road from Unidata. You would
think there would be more collaboration?
OK, enough soap boxing ... hopefully my comments haven't turned you away
and you are still reading ... what I'm mainly interested in is the future.
I'd like to make sure that the problems of the past do not repeat
themselves. So, with that said, are the IDV developers working closely
(or at all?) with the AWIPS II developers? Will IDV be able to display
AWIPS II data (which is mainly in HDF vs. NetCDF from what I understand)?
Thanks for listening! Sorry if I've offended anyone.
Brian Hoeth
NWS Spaceflight Meteorology Group
Johnson Space Center
Houston, TX
-----Original Message-----
From: idvusers-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:idvusers-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Don Murray
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 9:27 AM
To: Matt Foster
Cc: idvusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [idvusers] Error opening AWIPS NetCDF grid
Hi Matt-
Please upload the sample file to:
and we'll take a look.
AWIPS has a non-standard way (well I guess it's an AWIPS standard) of
storing variables (e.g. Temperature) on multiple vertical coordinates
all in one variable and then the reader has to break that in to
meaningful fields to present to the user (e.g. Temperature @ pressure,
Temperature @ 2m, Temperature in a layer, etc). From your analysis, it
looks like the IDV (actually the netCDF-Java library) might not be doing
this correctly. It could be that the format of the AWIPS grids has
changed slightly since the convention was written many years ago, or the
file is not written correctly.
Don Murray
Matt Foster wrote:
I'm trying to view an AWIPS NetCDF model grid file, and I'm getting an
error when trying to load it. The error is coming from line 186 of, which is the breakupLevels() method. The error is
a "NoSuchElementException" coming from the StringTokenizer.nextToken().
I'm guessing someone is probably going to want to see the grid file in
question. gzip'd it is around 700MB, so I'm not sure how to go about
getting it available to others.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. This is data relating to
the tornado outbreak we had here on Monday, so there is great interest
in viewing it outside of AWIPS.
Matt @ WFO OUN
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