If you are running a WRF simulation with the convective/cumulus scheme turned
on (for horizontal resolutions around 5km or greater), then the model will
generate two precipitation fields. One field will be the precipitation
generated from the cumulus/convective scheme, and the other will be explicitly
derived, grid scale precipitation from the microphysics scheme. If you are
running a high resolution domain (<5km)...then you will likely turn off the
cumulus scheme and therefore not have the cumulus precipitation field. If you
have the cumulus scheme turned on, then you are making the assumption that all
the convection can not be resolved on the grid scale and some/all of it must
parameterized. In that case, you could use the sum of the grid scale and
cumulus precipitation fields.
Hope this helps,
Chris Franks
NWS Milwaukee, WI
----- Original Message -----
From: Luis Del Castillo <luis.delcastillo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tuesday, June 1, 2010 5:02 pm
Subject: Re: [idvusers] precipitation accumulation
To: Tom Whittaker <whittaker@xxxxxxxx>
Cc: idvusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> The tip from Kevin work great so right now I need to now if Accumulated
> total cumulus precipitation or accumulated total grid scale
> precipitation are the variables to use in this case and witch one is the
> difference between the both variables.
> Thanks
> luis
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tom Whittaker [
> Sent: martes, 01 de junio de 2010 11:52 a.m.
> To: Luis Del Castillo
> Cc: idvusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [idvusers] precipitation accumulation
> Luis --
> > Ok I understand and It must help but my input data is all from WRF in
> netcdf and is choppy in files per hours and have a lot of variables so
> when I pick the sum over time steps it says to me that I need to pick
> a
> field. My issue is how can I select one variable per hour to do the
> accumulation.
> If I understand, you have separate files for each hour of your WRF data?
> If that is the case, you might be able to use NCML to aggregate your
> files so they "appear" to be in a single file. The idea is that your
> create a small text file (the NCML) which logically combines your
> individual files and creates a new "dimension" called "time"; you then
> point the IDV at this NCML file and the NetCDF library presents the
> sequence of your files as a single file to the IDV.
> I have used this technique for this type of data (one hour per
> file)....see
> <>
> for information about using this. But....that's about all I know about
> it!
> tom
> --
> Tom Whittaker
> University of Wisconsin-Madison
> Space Science & Engineering Center (SSEC)
> Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS)
> 1225 W. Dayton Street
> Madison, WI 53706 USA
> ph: +1 608 262 2759
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