Re: [idvusers] Bundle for circulation models in the Gulf of Mexico

Hi Rich,

Wow, that is great!  Thanks for sharing.


Kevin Tyle, Systems Administrator               **********************
Dept. of Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences   ktyle@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
University at Albany, ES-235                    518-442-4578 (voice)
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Albany, NY 12222                                **********************

On 06/02/2010 09:36 PM, Rich Signell wrote:
IDV Enthusiasts,

For those of you with an interest in the circulation models being used
for oil spill forecasts, here is an IDV bundle showing surface current
and salinity (since it's more conservative than temperature) from two
different ocean forecast models.
(1. Save to disk and then "File=>Open", or 2. "Data=>Choose data=>From
a Web server" and paste in the above URL)

You need to be a bit patient, as it takes about 3-4 minutes of
downloading data (on my connection anyway) before you see anything.
Once it's loaded, you can animate, and switch between the two models.
Taking advantage of Jeff's sneaky "reverse times" option, it will
always display the last 3 days from each model if you reload data.
This also means one model may have an additional day on the front or
end of the other model, so if you see no data with a particular model
selected, click to the next or previous time.

Right now one of the models is showing an attached loop current, the
other a detached ring!

More models of the Gulf can be accessed via this catalog (scroll down
to the GCOOS category):
Data=> From Catalog=>

Let me know if you have success, failure, or suggestions, or if you
come up with better bundles!

I'm working on IDV 2.9, so if something doesn't work try upgrading IDV first.


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