[idvusers] addition

Hi fellows I am trying to sum two parameters in IDV 2.9. I create a a + b 
formula and then load the data sets into the formula and then create a value 
plot display to see what is the answer but what I get are a strange set of 




Luis Alejandro Del Castillo Riley


Soporte de Tecnología / IT Support  



Tel: (507)317-3235 (directo)

Tel: (507)317-3200 (Central Telefónica)

Fax: (507)317-3299

111 Ciudad del Saber, Clayton, Panamá

Apartado 0843-03102, Panamá


Attachment: ts_64.nc
Description: ts_64.nc

Attachment: 2010.09.01.05.mm5.meso.9km_accum24_pcp.nc
Description: 2010.09.01.05.mm5.meso.9km_accum24_pcp.nc

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