On 11/12/2010 1:54 AM, Reinoud Bokhorst wrote:
Hi John, Tell me about the complexity of BUFR... The last two files
were meteorological SYNOP files coded according to the WMO standard
tables for FM94 BUFR Edition 4:
It uses the common sequence 3-07-080 (= Sequence for representation
of synoptic reports from a fixed land station suitable for SYNOP
data) from table D.
ill have a look at that when i can
I also use a ECMWF bufr decoder package
(http://www.ecmwf.int/products/data/software/bufr.html). Attached is
'decode_bufr.txt' which is a dump of test1.bufr using the decode_bufr
program in this package. The output compares well with what I see in
toolsUI 4.2.
seems ok, ive appended our numeric dump of the same message
However I now discovered when I press the 'Detail Info'
button in toolsUI, I get a similar conversion error as reported for
IDV (see attached).
thanks, it was a minor bug i have fixed now
The reason why I am interested in this data is that the WMO GTS
system (for SYNOP, TEMP, SHIP, BUOY, etc) is migrating from the
alphanumeric code formats to the binary formats
(http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/WMOCodes.html). The deadline was
due this month but I believe it has been postponed a while.
Regards, Reinoud
time =30 minutes since 2010-10-18T23:00:00Z
WMO block number =94
WMO station number =258
Station or site name = "WOLLOGORANG "
Type of station = "Manned" CodeTable 0-2-1
Year =2010 Year
Month =10 Month
Day =18 Day
Hour =23 Hour
Minute =30 Minute
Latitude (high accuracy) =-17.212221 degrees_north
Longitude (high accuracy) =137.9461 degrees_east
Height of station ground above mean sea level =60.000008 m
Height of barometer above mean sea level =61.000008 m
Pressure =100860.0 Pa
Pressure reduced to mean sea level =101550.0 Pa
3-hour pressure change =210.0 Pa
Characteristic of pressure tendency = "Increasing (steadily or unsteadily)"
CodeTable 0-10-63
24-hour pressure change =NaN Pa
Pressure-1 =NaN Pa
Geopotential height =NaN gpm
Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) =NaN m
Temperature/dry-bulb temperature =301.16 K
Dew-point temperature =279.36 K
Relative humidity =127 %
Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)-1 =NaN m
Horizontal visibility =50000.0 m
Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)-2 =NaN m
Total precipitation past 24 hours =0.0 kg m-2
Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)-3 =NaN m
Cloud cover (total) =40 %
Vertical significance (surface observations) = "Missing value" CodeTable
Cloud amount = "1 okta or less but not zero" CodeTable 0-20-11
Height of base of cloud =NaN m
Cloud type = "No CL clouds" CodeTable 0-20-12
Cloud type-1 = "Altocumulus translucidus at a single level" CodeTable 0-20-12
Cloud type-2 = "Cirrus spissatus in patches or entangled sheaves which usually
do not increase and sometimes seem to be the remains of the upper part of a Cumulonimbus;
or Cirrus castellanus or floccus" CodeTable 0-20-12
seq1 =
Vertical significance (surface observations) = "Observing rules for base of
lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply" CodeTable 0-8-2
Cloud amount = "Cloud cover is indiscernible for reasons other than fog or
other meteorological phenomena or observation is not made" CodeTable 0-20-11
Cloud type = "Missing value" CodeTable 0-20-12
Height of base of cloud =NaN m
} obs.seq1(0)
Vertical significance (surface observations) = "Observing rules for base of
lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply" CodeTable 0-8-2
Cloud amount = "Cloud cover is indiscernible for reasons other than fog or
other meteorological phenomena or observation is not made" CodeTable 0-20-11
Cloud type = "Missing value" CodeTable 0-20-12
Height of base of cloud =NaN m
} obs.seq1(1)
Vertical significance (surface observations) = "Observing rules for base of
lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply" CodeTable 0-8-2
Cloud amount = "Cloud cover is indiscernible for reasons other than fog or
other meteorological phenomena or observation is not made" CodeTable 0-20-11
Cloud type = "Missing value" CodeTable 0-20-12
Height of base of cloud =NaN m
} obs.seq1(2)
Vertical significance (surface observations) = "Observing rules for base of
lowest cloud and cloud types of FM 12SYNOP and FM 13 SHIP apply" CodeTable 0-8-2
Cloud amount = "Cloud cover is indiscernible for reasons other than fog or
other meteorological phenomena or observation is not made" CodeTable 0-20-11
Cloud type = "Missing value" CodeTable 0-20-12
Height of base of cloud =NaN m
} obs.seq1(3)
seq2 =
Vertical significance (surface observations) = "Missing value" CodeTable
Cloud amount = "Cloud cover is indiscernible for reasons other than fog or
other meteorological phenomena or observation is not made" CodeTable 0-20-11
Cloud type = "Missing value" CodeTable 0-20-12
Height of top of cloud =NaN m
Cloud top description = "Missing value" CodeTable 0-20-17
} obs.seq2(0)
struct1 =
Vertical significance (surface observations) = "Low cloud" CodeTable
True direction from which a phenomenon or clouds are moving =511 Degree
} obs.struct1(0)
Vertical significance (surface observations) = "Middle cloud" CodeTable
True direction from which a phenomenon or clouds are moving =0 Degree true
} obs.struct1(1)
Vertical significance (surface observations) = "High cloud" CodeTable
True direction from which a phenomenon or clouds are moving =0 Degree true
} obs.struct1(2)
Vertical significance (surface observations)-1 = "Missing value" CodeTable
Bearing or azimuth =NaN Degree true
Elevation =NaN Degree
Cloud type-3 = "Missing value" CodeTable 0-20-12
Bearing or azimuth-1 =NaN Degree true
Elevation-1 =NaN Degree
State of the ground (with or without snow) = "Missing value" CodeTable
Total snow depth =NaN m
Ground minimum temperature past 12 hours =NaN K
Present weather = "Clouds generally dissolving or becoming less developed"
CodeTable 0-20-3
Time period or displacement =NaN Hour
Past weather (1) = "Cloud coverIng more than 1/2 of the sky during part of the
appropriate period and covering 1/2 or less during part of the period" CodeTable
Past weather (2) = "Cloud coverIng more than 1/2 of the sky during part of the
appropriate period and covering 1/2 or less during part of the period" CodeTable
struct2 =
Time period or displacement =NaN Hour
Total sunshine =2047 Minute
} obs.struct2(0)
Time period or displacement =NaN Hour
Total sunshine =2047 Minute
} obs.struct2(1)
Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)-4 =NaN m
struct3 =
Time period or displacement =NaN Hour
Total precipitation/total water equivalent =NaN kg m-2
} obs.struct3(0)
Time period or displacement =NaN Hour
Total precipitation/total water equivalent =NaN kg m-2
} obs.struct3(1)
Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)-5 =NaN m
Time period or displacement-1 =NaN Hour
Time period or displacement-2 =NaN Hour
Maximum temperature at height and over period specified =NaN K
Time period or displacement-3 =NaN Hour
Time period or displacement-4 =NaN Hour
Minimum temperature at height and over period specified =NaN K
Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)-6 =NaN m
Type of instrumentation for wind measurement =4 FlagTable 0-2-2
Time significance = "Time averaged" CodeTable 0-8-21
Time period or displacement-5 =10.0 Minute
Wind direction =130 Degree true
Wind speed =3.6000001 m s-1
Time significance-1 = "Missing value" CodeTable 0-8-21
struct4 =
Time period or displacement =NaN Minute
Maximum wind gust direction =511 Degree true
Maximum wind gust speed =NaN m s-1
} obs.struct4(0)
Time period or displacement =NaN Minute
Maximum wind gust direction =511 Degree true
Maximum wind gust speed =NaN m s-1
} obs.struct4(1)
Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)-7 =NaN m
Time period or displacement-6 =NaN Hour
Type of instrumentation for evaporation measurement or type of crop for which
evapotranspiration is reported = "Missing value" CodeTable 0-2-4
Evaporation/evapotranspiration =NaN kg m-2
struct5 =
Time period or displacement =NaN Hour
Long-wave radiation integrated over period specified =NaN J m-2
Short-wave radiation integrated over period specified =NaN J m-2
Net radiation integrated over period specified =NaN J m-2
Global solar radiation (high accuracy) integrated over period specified
=NaN J m-2
Diffuse solar radiation (high accuracy) integrated over period specified
=NaN J m-2
Direct solar radiation (high accuracy) integrated over period specified
=NaN J m-2
} obs.struct5(0)
Time period or displacement =NaN Hour
Long-wave radiation integrated over period specified =NaN J m-2
Short-wave radiation integrated over period specified =NaN J m-2
Net radiation integrated over period specified =NaN J m-2
Global solar radiation (high accuracy) integrated over period specified
=NaN J m-2
Diffuse solar radiation (high accuracy) integrated over period specified
=NaN J m-2
Direct solar radiation (high accuracy) integrated over period specified
=NaN J m-2
} obs.struct5(1)
Time period or displacement-7 =NaN Hour
Time period or displacement-8 =NaN Hour
Temperature change over specified period =NaN K