Hi Jon,
I am a bit confused as to where you wish your "baseline" abstraction to
be. It sounds like you do not want to use Swing, which means you will
have to start at a very low level (java.awt?)
At any rate, you may want to look at visad
(http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/~billh/visad.html), the graphical rendering
library for the IDV.
Good luck.
On 1/17/11 2:13 PM, Jon Blower wrote:
Dear IDV folk,
I've seen that IDV can produce vertical section plots. I'm interested in
re-using this capability in other software (ncWMS) if possible. I'd like to
produce a plot as a standalone image (i.e. outside the context of Swing or any
particular desktop), ideally as a BufferedImage. Could someone please point me
to the relevant bit in the libraries please?
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