Re: [idvusers] API for vertical section plots

Hi Jon,

> I've seen that IDV can produce vertical section plots.  I'm interested in
> re-using this capability in other software (ncWMS) if possible.  I'd like to
> produce a plot as a standalone image (i.e. outside the context of Swing or
> any particular desktop), ideally as a BufferedImage.  Could someone please
> point me to the relevant bit in the libraries please?
You can use the IDV in server mode, creating an ISL file that generates a
cross section display and capturing it as an image.
You can see some example code in the ramadda svn tree:
under src/ucar/unidata/repository/idv/IdvOutputHandler
This is basically a web based implementation of the IDV.

Using the regular Cross Section display to do this would be inefficient
because the display would also be adding itself into a 3D view. However, if
you are interested I could work with you to make any necessary changes to
the IDV base.

Of course, you have to help me implement ncwms in RAMADDA (which I just
started doing last weekend. go figure).


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