[idvusers] using GFE netCDF

Organization: noaa/nws tulsa
Package Version: 2.9u2 build date:2010-10-04 19:14 UTC
Operating System: Windows XP
Hardware: Java: home: C:\Program Files\IDV_2.9u2\jre version: 1.6.0_20 j3d:1.5.2 fcs (build4) Description of problem: GFE can output a netcdf and I'm trying to import it into the IDV, but it appears GFE is not defining the time properly, so the grids are not being imported. Only the Topo data is appearing in the Fields.

I think I can post process the GFE netcdf file and get the proper time specs in there, but wondered if perhaps someone had already worked on this or maybe there is another easier way.

I attached a sample netcdf from gfe that has MaxT data.


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